During the summer of 1965, CBS television reported a wave of UFOs over the western states. There were several reports like this during the mid-sixties. This caught my attention because back during the 1950s I saw the space movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still. Now in 1965 I was being told the concept was possibly non-fiction. Within the same year, there was another UFO report on television! I ran outside, but only to view a normal and uneventful sky.

This was intriguing, but I heard nothing more. A few months later, I picked up a book containing all the information I was missing, Flying Saucers – Serious Business by nationally-known reporter Frank Edwards. The title was taken from an actual 1950s special order from a U.S. Air Force IG. I read the entire book, fascinated with the detailed reports.

In 1969 while at Stetson University, I wrote a research paper entitled How Much Truth Have We Exposed From the Mystery of Unidentified Flying Objects? I documented the paper with cases from the Edwards book as well as magazines and newspapers. What I didn’t know was that much more information was available in the archives of NICAP and the books of Major Donald Keyhole, USMC, (Ret.). Keyhole had numerous high-ranking military friends, some with inside information on the UFO situation. One was an Annapolis classmate, Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the first CIA director. Hillenkoetter had reason to believe that UFOs were fact not fiction.

The unidentified objects appeared to present a threat. Hundreds of “flying saucer” sightings across the U.S. in the summer of 1947 coincided with plans to form the United States Air Force by September. A saucer-shaped UFO made the front page of the Titusville Star Advocate, on Aug 12, 1947 when a church group reported an aluminum disk speeding over the Indian River in the afternoon. Sightings by commercial and military pilots continued. As a result, U.S.A.F. Chief of Staff Twinning created AFR 200-2 in 1954 for reporting unidentified flying objects. UFO and UFOB are U.S. Air Force acronyms. The current term may be AVCs (Alien Visitation Craft).

Also, at Cape Canaveral in 1951, a high-ranking U.S.A.F. officer made an astonishing admission. This is not known except by a few people. Colonel Asa B. Gibbs was commander of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and an MIT graduate. During a TDY flight to California with a group of scientists, the pilot announced to the Colonel at 03:00 that at everyone should look out the port side of the aircraft. Just off the left wingtip was a cigar-shaped UFO with blinking lights. When it disappeared, the pilot directed everyone to look to starboard. The object had reversed sides. The plane never went to California, but instead flew to Washington DC where everyone was debriefed. My source here is Mr. Alvin W. Parry. Parry is a WWII PT boat veteran who fought in the Pacific. His adventures included a brief conversation with five-star General Douglas MacArthur while the general was transported on PT-194, headed for the USS Nashville. Parry would later become a GS-14 and executive officer at Patrick AFB during the 1960s, serving directly under the base commander. Parry reported to Colonel Gibbs several times a month during the early 1950s.

Since reading the Edwards book in 1966, I’ve come across many books on this subject. Many have been compelling, yet their fantastic possibilities mingled at times with doubts and disbelief. Now, though, after almost 45 years, information is rapidly flowing through the Internet and through former military and civilian officials. Those who can’t believe use “in-the-box” reasoning to disprove and debunk. Those who do know the reality, know not because they reason more openly, but because they’ve seen the objects. Logic has rules. Without facts or observation, no dependable conclusion can be made. Yet, many of those who disbelieve do conclude, illogically, that the unknown or unseen does not exist!

It is amazing that after 50 years there is no new UFO verdict beyond the conclusions of Edwards, Keyhole, and Twinning. The hbcontrols exist. Those initial public reports were not a craze of the fifties. The sightings have never stopped. The National UFO Reporting Center verifies this fact daily. Though the physical evidence is slim, there is an abundance of credible observation and testimony from scientific experts. For example, former NASA aerospace engineer, Clark C. McClelland, ScO-Space Shuttle Fleet, gives the inside scoop on the UFO problems in the space program. Fifty-three years of space flight experience makes him a true insider. His web site has some fantastic recollections. The completion of his book on this subject should finally disclose with authority his unique first-hand perspective on the relationship between UFO activities and government officials. Visit criminal lawyer san diego site.

U.S.A.F. Colonel (Ret.) Gordon Cooper is another credible witness. The Mercury and Gemini astronaut has plenty of UFO references in his book, A Leap of Faith. Cooper believes ” these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on Earth.”

That the air force is troubled by attention to UFOs is highlighted by two confronting publications on the anniversary of the Roswell incident. In the spring of 1997, an Army Intelligence officer, Lt. Col. (Ret) Philip Corso, was completing The Day After Roswell, (release date 1Jul97). At the same time, the air force was preparing a report resembling a Sears & Roebuck catalog entitled, The Roswell Report: Case Closed.” It was released 24 Jun 1997 and presents a view diametrically opposed to the colonel’s report.

Probably the most abundant evidence that all is not as it may seem is furnished by Richard Dolan in his UFOs and the National Security State. It should be a consideration that deception is in the air. An open mind is required to realize all the factors ongoing here workers compensation attorney group. There is a reason for deception. When the military stated “case closed” they were saying disclosure has its limits. You are on your own.

The road to knowing is long. That does not mean we can not know. Amazing discoveries will be made by those with minds open to possibilities. Asking questions is required.